Sometimes the desire to start one’s own company is accompanied by the fear linked to the lack of resources and resources. Today, however, there are many facilities for new businesses that can be taken into consideration when starting a business. Facilitated finance, in fact, offers young entrepreneurs many new opportunities and ways to go. Today we will explore some of them.
What is subsidized finance?
Let’s start with a useful definition. By subsidized finance is meant that part of corporate finance which is intended for the search for resources or loans which, however, offer more facilitating conditions than traditional ones. These loans can be public, national or EU and are arranged precisely for younger entrepreneurs, who therefore cannot provide great guarantees such as a stable income. This does not mean that guarantees are not required – otherwise – but rather that they are a bit more flexible.
But what are the most suitable facilities for new businesses or for start-ups ? Let’s find out together.
Examples of concessions for new businesses and start-ups
Call Rest in the South The Resto al Sud call can be considered one of the most valid benefits among those available at the moment . This can indeed be defined as a very convenient solution for entrepreneurs operating in the South or, more precisely, for all those who dream of becoming such by opening a business in the area. The call is aimed at entrepreneurs from the Molise, Basilicata, Abruzzo, Calabria, Sicily, Sardinia, Campania and Puglia regions and provides for a non-refundable contribution and a zero-rate loan. The initiative pursues the aim of stimulating the economy of Southern Italy and of creating new jobs in the South. The capital raised has a ceiling of 200,000 euros.
New Zero Rate Companies
If you have in mind to open a traditional business – which has nothing to do with technology and therefore cannot properly be called start up – then you can still count on the facilitation offered by New Companies at Zero Rate . Usually this solution is perfect for those who dream of starting a restaurant business – hotels, restaurants, resorts – or even for those who want to open simple commercial activities, such as a clothing store or a biscuit factory.
This loan can reach 1.5 million euros and can cover 75% of total expenses . An excellent opportunity for those who intend to embark on a new and promising business.